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Data Centers and Networking

Cooling Next-Generation Data Centers

Обширный, модульный портфель решений для центров обработки данных и сетей nVent в сочетании с нашей передовой технологией охлаждения позволяет вам своевременно разработать и внедрить свой проект, чтобы обеспечить доступность и защиту данных и сетевой инфраструктуры.
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Экологическая устойчивость и электрификация

Построение более устойчивого и электрифицированного мира

В nVent наши решения объединяют и защищают более устойчивый и электрифицированный мир, обеспечивая эффективность, отказоустойчивость и безопасность критически важных систем по всему миру.
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Sustainability Report

nVent Releases 2023 Sustainability Report

Report details meaningful progress across its four focus areas of People, Products, Planet and Governance.

nVent Completes Sale of Thermal Management Business

nVent Electric PLC announced that it has completed the previously announced sale of its Thermal Management business to funds managed by Brookfield Asset Management
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nVent Completes Acquisition of Trachte

nVent today announced that it has completed the previously announced acquisition of the parent of Trachte, LLC.

популярные статьи

nVent Announces Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2024 Financial Results

LONDON – nVent Electric plc, a global leader in electrical connection and protection solutions, reported fourth quarter and full year 2024 financial results today through an earnings release posted on the company’s Investor Relations website.

nVent Completes Sale of Thermal Management Business

nVent today announced that it has completed the previously announced sale of its Thermal Management business to funds managed by Brookfield Asset Management.

nVent Named to Newsweek Excellence 1000 Index

We are proud to announce nVent has been named to the Newsweek Excellence 1000 Index. The honor recognizes companies that exhibit a firm commitment to best practices in business and financial growth while serving customers, stakeholders and communities with a dedication to social responsibility and ethical standards.

Sara Zawoyski Named Notable CFO by Twin Cities Business Magazine

We are excited to share that nVent Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Sara Zawoyski and Sr. Global Product Manager Amanda Nelson have been selected for inclusion in the Twin Cities Business 2024 Notable Awards section of the December/January issue.

nVent Chair and CEO Beth Wozniak Named an Entrepreneur Of The Year® 2024 Finalist

We are proud to share that nVent Chair and CEO Beth Wozniak has been recognized by Ernst & Young as an Entrepreneur Of The Year® 2024 National finalist in the Industrial and Energy category.  


Liquid Cooling at Scale for AI

Liquid cooling is vital for scaling AI as it effectively manages the heat produced by high-performance computing systems. This approach improves reliability, lowers energy usage, and accommodates the heavy computational requirements of AI tasks.

nVent ERICO Cadweld One Shot, 3D Mold

This solution is a custom, single-use mold that uses advanced 3D printing technology to create a high-quality permanent exothermic connections for cable-to-rebar connections in narrow or hard-to-reach places.

Интеллектуальные блоки распределения электроэнергии nVent

Интеллектуальные блоки распределения питания nVent обеспечивают интеллектуальное энергопотребление в различных приложениях для обработки данных и могут использоваться в шкафах, стеллажах с открытым каркасом и настенных корпусах.

Решение для подключения по гибкой шине FleXbus

Наше инновационное, запатентованное решение для подключения питания повышает энергоэффективность, безопасность и производительность для заказчика в критически важных системах хранения энергии, возобновляемых источниках энергии и многом другом.

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Enclosures for Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Inverters

As the world becomes more sustainable and electrified, people around the world are looking for ways to reduce their impact on the environment.
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Revolutionary new high-performance rear door cooling unit, offering the capability to upgrade data centres with up to 78 kW high-density racks, meeting the requirements for the growing use of AI-enhanced applications, demands for higher energy efficiency and sustainability, and the need for greater data centre space utilisation.

Программное обеспечение от проектирования до производства (DTM)

Благодаря простой в использовании интеллектуальной центральной библиотеке компонентов проектировщики теперь могут эффективно работать над одним проектом, в то время как программное обеспечение автоматически обеспечивает синхронизацию данных, что упрощает процесс проектирования и планирования и сокращает количество ошибок.
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Безопасность стеллажа плюс настройка продукта

Выберите потребляемую мощность, выходную мощность, дополнительные функции, такие как ограничитель перенапряжения или электромагнитный фильтр, в зависимости от вашей инфраструктуры.
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How to Make the Switch to Liquid Cooling


Reduce Footprint in Energy Storage Systems

Beyond the Chip: Complete Data Center Infrastructure

With the rapid growth of data centers, data center facility infrastructure needs to be reliable and scalable to support more equipment, greater power demand and expanding capacity.

Design Considerations for Control Enclosures in Harsh Environments

Nearly all premature failures in control panels are the result of under specification in at least one of four areas: hinge, latch, gasket and climate control. Each requires unique considerations and design elements to support their success.

Three Key Technologies for The Liquid Cooled Data Center

The acceleration of AI and high-performance computing is changing the landscape of the data center cooling industry. Next-generation technologies, including NVIDIA GPUs, require liquid cooling.

Reduce Footprint in Energy Storage Systems With nVent Solutions

Battery energy storage is a critical technology for reducing our dependence on fossil fuels and building a low carbon future. Renewable energy generation is fundamentally different from traditional fossil fuel energy generation in that in renewable applications, energy cannot be produced on demand.




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О компании nVent

We connect and protect with inventive electrical solutions. We design, manufacture, market, install and service high-performance products and solutions that help build a more sustainable and electrified world.  


ESG является важнейшей частью того, кто мы есть и как мы работаем, с самого начала существования нашей компании. В nVent мы фокусируем нашу деятельность в области ESG в трех направлениях: Люди, Продукция и Планета.

Инклюзивность и многообразие

Мы поддерживаем и поощряем аутентичность в nVent. Мы стремимся создавать и поддерживать инклюзивную и разнообразную рабочую среду, которая стимулирует развитие инноваций, связей и рост наших сотрудников и всех, с кем мы работаем.


We empower employees to be bold, creative thinkers, which drives engagement and high performance. Our culture has earned a number of awards. 

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Вакансии в nVent

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