The nVent LENTON Cadweld reinforcing steel bar splice is a mechanical butt splice (a metal filled splice, not a welded splice) that produces a joint with basically the same mechanical properties as those of an unspliced bar. The system is suitable for in-situ splicing applications. The primary usage for nVent LENTON Cadweld splices are on critical structures including blast resistant facilities, reinforced concrete pressure vessels, seismic structures and nuclear reactor containment structures. The generous cavity in the sleeve is ideal for joining misaligned or circumferential bars.
For the most demanding applications, the nVent LENTON Cadweld mechanical splicing system has extremely high tensile performance. It is a premium splicing system that has been used in hundreds of Nuclear Power Plant projects throughout the world. nVent LENTON Cadweld sleeves and filler material are produced in compliance with ASME NCA-3800 (ERICO - QSC 595), NQA-1, 10CFR50 Appendix B, 10CFR 50.55(e), 10CFR Part 21 and USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.28.
- No special tools or skills required
- Can be visually inspected
- No special bar end preparation needed
- Designed to meet or exceed building code requirements
- World’s most tested mechanical splice - over 25,000 actual tensile tests
- Requires hand-held equipment only
- Able to be used for repair with short dowels
Products | 75 results (471 items)

Horizontal Pouring Basin, Top Fill, Standard

Pouring Basin Frame, Horizontal and Angular, Top Fill

Vertical Pouring Basin, Standard

Crucible Chain Assembly

Chain Stud

Filler Material

B-Series Vertical Filler Material Kit

T-Series Horizontal Installation Equipment

B-Series Vertical Sleeve

Angular Pouring Basin, Top Fill, 15°

T-Series Horizontal Splice Kit, Top Fill