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Centre des nouveaux produits



We are building a more sustainable and electrified world with the products and solutions we offer our customers. Electrification, digitalization and sustainability are changing our world. Rising power and data density, the expansion of renewable energy, grid modernization, industrial automation and IoT infrastructure are changing the landscape for many critical industries. Across all our key verticals, our products help customers operate more efficiently, drive safety and connect and protect critical systems.

We are launching highly differentiated and innovative new products in all three of our segments, supporting consistent growth at nVent. In 2023, we launched a record number 95 new products and increased our product vitality to 22%. As we develop new products, we seek to solve problems and create outsized value for our customers. Our products connect and protect complex electrical and digital systems. To support our customers' critical systems, we are developing advanced embedded and connected technology for both legacy products and new solutions.

Follow this link if you're looking for Electrical & Fastening Solutions [nVent CADDY, ERICO, ERIFLEX and LENTON] specific products. Below you'll find the latest products from across our company.




nVent CADDY Device Protector Plates

nVent CADDY Device Protector Plates

The nVent CADDY Protector Plate covers and safeguards mud ring openings and devices. This solution significantly reduces the risk of potential damage to circuitry and drywall rework. Our compact design assists in making drywall installation easier and more reliable.

[Currently available in NAM region]

nVent CADDY Flared Couplers

nVent CADDY Flared Couplers

The nVent CADDY Flared Coupler series is designed to reduce the number of steps required for installing conduit racks. The integrated flare helps align each piece of conduit to easily join and install prefabricated conduit racks.

[Currently available in NAM region]

nVent CADDY Adjustable Depth Multi-Gang Masonry Open Back Box

nVent CADDY Adjustable Depth Multi-Gang Masonry Open Back Box

The nVent CADDY Adjustable Depth Multi-Gang Masonry Open Back Box is a cost-effective solution combining a multi-gang box and adjustable mud ring for varying wall thickness applications. On-stud and between-stud options from three to six gang boxes are available.

[Currently available in US region]

Collier de serrage auto-coupant pour câblage nVent CADDY

Collier de serrage auto-coupant pour câblage nVent CADDY

Faites l'expérience de l'innovation avec la fixation pour câble auto-coupante nVent CADDY. Verrouillez et tordez sans effort pour une finition en douceur, sans outil supplémentaire.

[Worldwide available]

nVent CADDY CCT Conduit Clip

nVent CADDY CCT Conduit Clip

The nVent CADDY CCT Conduit Clip is a tool-free solution designed to secure conduit pipe runs in nVent CADDY Conduit Trapeze.

[Currently available in NAM region]

nVent CADDY WBT Performance Cable Tray Waterfall, vertical

nVent CADDY WBT Performance Cable Tray Waterfall, vertical

nVent CADDY WBT Performance Cable Tray Waterfall, Vertical is a datacom solution for combining vertical and horizontal cable pathways.

[Currently available in NAM region]

nVent CADDY In-Deck Plastic Foot

nVent CADDY In-Deck Plastic Foot

The nVent CADDY In-Deck Plastic Foot is a convenient method to minimize electrical installation exposure for concrete deck applications.

[Currently available in NAM region]

Rod Strut Clip

nVent CADDY Rod Lock Strut Clip

The nVent CADDY Rod Lock Strut Clip, featuring push-to-install technology, allows contractors to quickly affix and adjust multi-level trapeze assemblies whether on-site or through prefabrication.

[Currently available in NAM region]

Calculateur nVent ERICO GEM

Calculateur nVent ERICO GEM

Web-based digital tool designed to simplify the estimation of resistivity values and the amount of Ground Enhancement Material needed for grounding installations.

[Worldwide available]

nVent Erico Fence Pipe Pedestal Clamp

nVent ERICO Fence/Pipe/Pedestal Grounding Clamp

Targeted for Datacenters, this clamp is known for its swing-in U-bolt design allowing for easy installation with no loose hardware. It is also UL listed and suitable for direct burial in concrete or earth.

[Currently available in NAM region]

Fixation de câble auto-agrippante nVent CADDY

Fixation de câble auto-agrippante nVent CADDY

Bandes auto-agrippantes flexibles et sans outil, qui aident les entrepreneurs à organiser proprement les chemins de câbles.

[Currently available in EMEA region]

nVent ERICO Cadweld Selector Tool

nVent ERICO Cadweld Selector Tool

This web-based tool simplifies the process of selecting the right Cadweld connections for your specific needs, providing you with accurate and reliable solutions.

[Worldwide available]

nVent ERICO Cadweld One Shot, 3D Mold

nVent ERICO Cadweld One Shot, 3D Mold

Made in the USA, these single-use 3D-printed ceramic molds are designed for quick and efficient installations. They are available for cable-to-rebar and cable-to-fence, which is ideal for the Utility and Telecom contractors. This product won the 2024 NECA Show Stopper Award.

[Currently available in NAM region]

nVent CADDY Pyramid Light-Duty Equipment Support

nVent CADDY Pyramid Light-Duty Equipment Support

Le kit de support d'équipement léger nVent CADDY Pyramid offre aux entrepreneurs un moyen rapide et facile d'installer des unités de chauffage, de ventilation et de climatisation miniatures sur les toits.

[Currently available in NA & EMEA regions]

Speed Link Light Pack nVent CADDY

Speed Link Light Pack nVent CADDY

Système de cordage léger avec un dispositif de verrouillage ultra-discret. Idéal pour soutenir et sécuriser les éclairages et les signalisations.

[Currently available in EMEA region]

Support de câbles résistant au feu nVent CADDY

Support de câbles résistant au feu nVent CADDY

Support de câble innovant et résistant au feu, adapté aux installations murales et au plafond. Conçu pour faire gagner du temps aux entrepreneurs sur site grâce à son mécanisme de fermeture unique actionné depuis le sol.

[Currently available in EMEA region]

Enclosure for Electric Vehicle

nVent HOFFMAN Enclosure for Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Inverters

The nVent HOFFMAN Enclosure for Electric Vehicle ( EV) Charging Inverters is built to handle the most challenging operating conditions to protect critical EV Infrastructure systems.  Durable, reliable, and proudly made in the US with US steel to meet NEVI/BABA requirements needed for government funding.

[Currently available in NAM region]

nVent ERICO DT Panel Protector

nVent ERICO DT Panel Protector 120 & 240 kA TT for IEC

The nVent ERICO DTX120 & 240 Series of Surge Protective Devices provides premium protection against damaging transients and surge currents. It is used in service entrances, distribution, branch panels, MCC, lighting panels, HVAC, and more.

[Currently available in APAC region]

nVent CADDY Box Extension Ring

nVent CADDY Box Extension Ring

The nVent CADDY Box Extension Ring extends the working depth of any four-square box. This unique 4 in Extension Ring provides a quick and easy method to expand box volume - saving contractors time and money by not having to source another box

[Currently available in NAM region]

nVent CADDY WBT Performance Cable Tray Tool-Free Splice

nVent CADDY WBT Performance Cable Tray Tool-Free Splice

The nVent CADDY WBT Performance Cable Tray Tool-Free Splice is an efficient way to link multiple sections of wire basket trays. With fewer components and no loose pieces, installation is quick, easy and straightforward.

[Currently available in NAM region]

nVent CADDY Adjustable Mud Ring, Extension

nVent CADDY Adjustable Mud Ring, Extension

The nVent CADDY Adjustable Mud Ring, Extension extends the working depth of nVent CADDY Adjustable Mud Rings. Contractors can meet code requirements with ease and create a smooth finish flush to the wall when installing electrical devices.

[Currently available in NAM region]

nVent CADDY Box/Conduit Securement Platform, Multifunction

nVent CADDY Box/Conduit Securement Platform, Multifunction

The nVent CADDY Box/Conduit Securement Platform (BCSP) Multifunction is a fast and secure method to install a wide range of junction and multiple electrical boxes/conduit in overhead installations with a single-threaded rod drop.

[Currently available in NAM region]

Crochet en J amélioré nVent CADDY CAT HP

Crochet en J amélioré nVent CADDY CAT HP

Les crochets en J nVent CADDY Cat HP constituent la base du système nVent CADDY Cat HP. Le crochet en J nVent CADDY Cat HP remanié offre aux entrepreneurs trois méthodes de fixation uniques et certifiées UL prêtes à l'emploi : installations murales, au plafond et à tige filetée.

[Currently available in NAM region]

nVent CADDY Octagon Box Assemblies

nVent CADDY Octagon Box Assemblies

The nVent CADDY Adjustable Depth Octagon Box with Mounting Plate Assembly series increases overall productivity and job site safety. For ultimate flexibility, assemblies are configured with the most common box and bracket combinations. 

[Currently available in US]

nVent RAYCHEM Elexant 650c-Modbus

The nVent RAYCHEM Elexant 650c-Modbus controller is designed for operation with nVent RAYCHEM ramp, roof and gutter heating cables. The Modbus connectivity allows for remote monitoring, configuration, and ease of integration in a Building Management System (BMS).

[Currently available in APAC & EMEA regions]

nVent ERICO Compression Grounding Connectors

nVent ERICO Compression Grounding Connectors offer a full line of high-quality copper extruded compression connector products for your grounding applications. 

[Currently available in APAC & EMEA regions]

Explore the new XTVR, reloaded with High Power Retention (HPR) technology

The nVent RAYCHEM XTVR self-regulating heating cable is designed for freeze protection or process temperature maintenance of pipes and vessels requiring continuous operating temperatures (max 150°C/302°F) or high exposure (max 250°C/482°F).

nVent RAYCHEM Elexant 5010i, the successor of our nVent RAYCHEM NGC-20 controller

A single-circuit electronic heat trace controller with central monitoring capabilities for full visibility, data analytics and reduced field interventions in hazardous area.


Les câbles watt/pi ont été ajoutés dernièrement à notre gamme de produits nVent RAYCHEM XL-Trace Edge. Ces nouveaux câbles permettent d’améliorer les conditions d’exploitation et les températures d’exposition. Leur longueur de circuit est la plus longue dans le secteur. Ils sont les moins chers et offrent le coût d’installation total le plus bas.

Rack Safety Plus - Product image - vue frontale - arrière-plan transparent

Rack Safety Plus

Rack Safety Plus est la nouvelle unité de distribution d’énergie et de sécurité modulaire, conçue pour protéger et connecter les composants électroniques dans les armoires 19 po.

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Membrane à peler et coller

La membrane à peler et coller nVent NUHEAT est installable 40 % plus vite que notre membrane standard en toute propreté !

Câble chauffant pour système de traçage à effet de peau STS HV

Câble nVent RAYCHEM STS-HV, la dernière nouveauté de la gamme de systèmes de traçage à effet de peau nVent RAYCHEM STS pour les solutions de chauffage de longs circuits. 

Superviseur Hero de pipeline RAYCHEM

nVent RAYCHEM Pipeline Supervisor

Le premier logiciel de surveillance de pipeline à température critique au monde

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nVent RAYCHEM TracerLynx Software

nVent intègre des fonctions avancées de conditionnement et de cartographie thermique dans son logiciel de conception 3D du traçage électrique

nVent SCHROFF Onboard Varistar CP

Un coffret certifié pour les chemins de fer, conçu pour protéger l'électronique dans le matériel roulant.

Systèmes VPX durcis nVent SCHROFF Titan COTS

nVent développe sa gamme de systèmes VPX durcis nVent SCHROFF Titan Commercial-Off-The-Shelf en les dotant d’une tenue améliorée aux chocs et aux vibrations

Câble chauffant nVent RAYCHEM HTV

nVent lance une technologie de rétention à puissance élevée avec le nouveau câble chauffant nVent RAYCHEM HTV

Support libre universel HOFFMAN

Support libre universel nVent HOFFMAN

nVent Hoffman introduit son nouveau portefeuille d’armoires universelles à support libre

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nVent RAYCHEM Pipeline Supervisor

nVent RAYCHEM présente Pipeline Supervisor, la première solution logicielle de surveillance des pipelines à température critique au monde.

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Portefeuille mondial IEC nVent HOFFMAN

nVent lance un portefeuille IEC mondial complet pour une protection optimale dans les applications industrielles

CCA intégrés à haute température

Dispositif de maintien refroidi par conduction intégré haute température nVent SCHROFF

nVent SCHROFF lance un nouveau dispositif de maintien refroidi par conduction intégré haute température pour les industries de l'aérospatiale et de la défense.

Bras de support nVent SCHROFF

nVent SCHROFF lance des bras de support avec une flexibilité supérieure pour les baies électroniques

Thermostat Signature nVent NUHEAT

nVent NUHEAT lance quatre nouvelles intégrations de systèmes domotiques pour le thermostat Signature 

Lancements de nVent ERICO

Voir les récents lancements de produits nVent ERICO

Lancements de nVent ERIFLEX

Voir les récents lancements de produits nVent ERIFLEX

Boîtier d’alarme incendie 2

Lancements de nVent CADDY

Voir les récents lancements de produits nVent CADDY

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