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A Culture of Inclusion that Enables Bold Ideas

At nVent, we believe our culture is a differentiator and fosters an environment where our employees can bring bold ideas, be authentic and build the future of a more sustainable and electrified world. 


A Culture of Inclusion that Enables Bold Ideas

At nVent, we believe our culture is a differentiator and fosters an environment where our employees can bring bold ideas, be authentic and build the future of a more sustainable and electrified world.

A Culture of Inclusion that Enables Bold Ideas

At nVent, we believe our culture is a differentiator and fosters an environment where our employees can bring bold ideas, be authentic and build the future of a more sustainable and electrified world.





Our Culture Drives Inclusion, Innovation and Growth


La promotion d’une culture d’inclusion est la pierre angulaire de notre stratégie et imprègne l’ensemble de notre organisation. Nous comprenons que des perspectives diverses sont essentielles à la capacité de notre entreprise à croître et à innover pour nos clients. 

Nous attachons une grande importance aux relations personnelles, en considérant que chaque personne est unique et en apprenant les uns des autres, ce qui crée un environnement qui incite à l’excellence. 

Nous donnons à nos employés les moyens d’être audacieux et créatifs dans leur réflexion, ce qui renforce leur engagement et leur performance. Notre culture d’entreprise nous a permis de remporter de nombreux prix. 

Learn about them here →


The Values That Shape Our Culture

Our six Win Right values guide who we are and how we work. They set the strong foundation for our nVent Culture.  


Customer First:

We make it easy to do business with nVent and are tenacious about meeting customer commitments. 


Positive Energy: 

We display a positive outlook and take responsibility for our impact on others. 


Accountability for Performance:  

We commit to high standards of performance and demonstrate personal accountability for getting the job done. 




Absolute Integrity: 

We are committed to honest and ethical business practices in our dealings with customers, business partners, investors, communities, and each other. 

Innovation and Adaptability:  

We actively pursue continuous improvement, adapting to changing circumstances and applying new ideas. 

Respect and Teamwork:  

We treat others with respect and openness; we collaborate and align with others for team success. 




Spark: Our Management System 

Spark is our management system. Based on our values, Spark defines how we operate and drives our high-performance culture. The five elements of Spark are People, Growth, Lean, Digital and Velocity. Together, they make up the operating system that powers our success.  


Inclusion et diversité

At nVent, we value all dimensions of diversity


ESG is integrated into our strategy and governance



Continuously Improving Our Culture Through Feedback 


At nVent, we take employee feedback seriously—we want our employees to be engaged and help build our culture.

We regularly invite our employees to fill out "pulse surveys" - quick assessments of how they are feeling and where we have opportunities to improve - in addition to conducting a full employee engagement survey every two years.

In addition to these surveys, we encourage continuous conversations between employees and their managers. 


Venez avec des idées audacieuses. Soyez vous-mêmes

Carrières chez nVent

Be bold. Soyez vous-mêmes Construisez l'avenir d'un monde plus durable et électrifié.

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