At nVent, we believe that safer systems ensure a more secure world. We connect and protect our customers with inventive electrical solutions.
The world is becoming more sustainable and electrified, demanding new innovations to meet changing technologies and needs. At nVent, we help improve energy efficiency and cooling innovation in data centers, we bring resiliency and cutting-edge protection to power utilities and renewable energy and energy storage operations, we provide labor-saving solutions and help our customers enhance the safety of their operations in industrial and commercial applications.
Suppliers are our partners in ensuring we have the steady pipeline of the quality materials and services at a competitive price needed to manufacture the solutions our customers rely on in an electrified world.
Doing Business with nVent
Responsible Procurement
Nouvelles et informations
La page Infos et Aperçus met en exergue les résultats financiers récents de l’entreprise, ses partenariats stratégiques et ses efforts en termes de durabilité, et illustre son engagement envers l’innovation et son investissement dans la communauté dans le secteur des connexions et de la protection électrique.