nVent Announces Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2024 Financial Results
LONDON – nVent Electric plc, a global leader in electrical connection and protection solutions, reported fourth quarter and full year 2024 financial results today through an earnings release posted on the company’s Investor Relations website.
nVent Named to Newsweek Excellence 1000 Index
We are proud to announce nVent has been named to the Newsweek Excellence 1000 Index. The honor recognizes companies that exhibit a firm commitment to best practices in business and financial growth while serving customers, stakeholders and communities with a dedication to social responsibility and ethical standards.
Sara Zawoyski Named Notable CFO by Twin Cities Business Magazine
We are excited to share that nVent Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Sara Zawoyski and Sr. Global Product Manager Amanda Nelson have been selected for inclusion in the Twin Cities Business 2024 Notable Awards section of the December/January issue.
Design Considerations for Control Enclosures in Harsh Environments
Nearly all premature failures in control panels are the result of under specification in at least one of four areas: hinge, latch, gasket and climate control. Each requires unique considerations and design elements to support their success.
Trois technologies clés pour le centre de données refroidi par liquide
L'accélération de l'IA et du traitement de données haute performance modifie le paysage de l'industrie du refroidissement des centres de données. Les technologies de nouvelle génération, dont les GPU NVIDIA, nécessitent un refroidissement liquide.
Reduce Footprint in Energy Storage Systems With nVent Solutions
Battery energy storage is a critical technology for reducing our dependence on fossil fuels and building a low carbon future. Renewable energy generation is fundamentally different from traditional fossil fuel energy generation in that in renewable applications, energy cannot be produced on demand.
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Who We Are
L’environnement, le social et la gouvernance sont des éléments essentiels de notre identité et de notre mode opératoire depuis la fondation de l’entreprise. nVent donne la priorité à l’environnement, au social et à la gouvernance dans les trois domaines suivants : individus, produits et planète.
Inclusion et diversité
Chez nVent, nous cultivons l’authenticité et nous l’encourageons. Nous nous efforçons de créer et de maintenir un environnement de travail inclusif et diversifié qui favorise l’innovation, la communication et la croissance pour nos employés et tous ceux avec qui nous travaillons.