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Products | 67 results (134 items)
Elexant 4010i Heat Trace Controller
A range of eight compact, touch screen based, single-point heat-tracing controllers for freeze protection and process temperature maintenance in nonhazrdous or Class I, Div. 2/Zone 2 locations.
Elexant 4020i Heat Trace Controller
A range of fully configurable touch screen based, single-point heat-tracing controllers for freeze protection and process temperature maintenance in nonhazrdous or Class I, Div. 2/Zone 2 locations.
Elexant 9200i Wireless Interface
The Elexant 9200i is a Wireless Communications Interface that enables Remote Monitoring and Configuration of Electric Heat Trace (EHT) controllers
465 Electronic Controller for Heat Tracing of Fire Protection Piping
c-UL-us listed controller for freeze protection of fire sprinkler piping
460 Electronic Controller
c-UL-us listed controller for pipe heat tracing applications
910 Series, C910-485 Controller
For control and monitoring of electric heat tracing in commercial applications.
On Demand Stock Panels: NGC-30
A standardized offering of nVent RAYCHEM NGC-30 Controller Panels using hazardous rated components and modular design to reduce lead times and simplify design options.
On Demand Stock Panels: NGC-40
A standardized offering of nVent RAYCHEM NGC-40 Controller Panels using hazardous rated components and modular design to reduce lead times and simplify design options.
920 Series, Controller Assembly
Control assembly component for the nVent RAYCHEM 920 series control and monitoring systems.
T2000 Series Component and Replacement Part
For single point control in a multi-point configuration, by using innovative modular packaging. Configurable for hazardous areas.