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Products | 19 results (37 items)
nVent ERICO Railclips, Hammer-On, Conductor Parallel Inside
Hammer on rail clip used to fix a single rail cable parallel to the rail. Clip opening faces inside the rail.
nVent ERICO Railclips, Wrap-Around, Conductor Parallel
nVent ERICO Railclips, Snap-On, Conductor Parallel at Bottom
nVent ERICO Railclips, Snap-On, Conductor Parallel at Center
nVent ERICO Railclips, Hammer-On, Conductor Parallel Outside
Hammer on rail clip used to fix a single rail cable parallel to the rail. Clip opening faces outside the rail.
nVent ERICO Railclips, Wrap-Around, 2 Conductors Parallel
nVent ERICO Railclips, Wrap-Around, Conductor Perpendicular
nVent ERICO Railclips, Snap-On, 2 Conductors Parallel
nVent ERICO Railclips, Hammer-On, Opposite Conductors Parallel
Hammer on rail clip used to fix two rail cables parallel to the rail. One clip opening faces inside the rail, one clip opening faces outside the rail.