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Products | 28 results (225 items)
Compression Straight Lug
Lug for straight compression connection.
Cast Bonding Lug
Lightning protection Cast Bonding Lug.
No Hole Lug
Provides an efficient bolting surface for grounding and power applications.
Industrial Stack Bonding Lug
Cast lug for bonding conductors to structural features.
Compression Straight Lug, Square Mount
The square mount, compression straight lug attaches stranded cable to receptors or hubs.
1 Hole Lug
nVent ERICO Cadweld lug provides an efficient bolting surface for grounding and power applications.
Stamped Bonding Lug
stamped bonding lug used for positive bolt tension cable clamping.
1 Hole Lug, 45°
Provides an efficient bolting surface for grounding and power applications. For use with Cadweld type LA only.
Compression Straight Lug, Bimetalic
Bimetallic lug for straight compression connection.
1 Hole Lug, 90°
Provides an efficient bolting surface for grounding and power applications. For use with Cadweld type LA only.