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nVent ERICO Cadweld Replacement Part Kit
Miscellaneous nVent ERICO Cadweld accessories. Includes extra discs, as well as sleeves and shims, and batting.
Disk placed at the bottom of the crucible, holding the welding material until the reaction takes place.
Cathodic Protection Adapter Sleeve
Used to build up smaller cathodic protection conductors for a proper fit into the required nVent ERICO Cadweld mold.
Conductor Sleeve
Sleeves used to adapt a limited range of smaller size cables to a larger size nVent ERICO Cadweld Mold.
Disk Container
Metal container for holding disks and small nVent ERICO Cadweld accessories.
Sleeve Kit
Sleeve kit containing a variety of adapter sleeves that allow a buildup of smaller conductors to fit the opening of larger sized conductors in a nVent ERICO Cadweld mold.
Disk Kit
Contains three disk sizes for ERICO Cadweld connection applications.
Batting/Packing Material
Batting/packing material seals mold conductor openings and prevents welding material leakage.
Copper Shim
Shims wrap around cable until the diameter is about the same as the cable opening in the mold.