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Products | 39 results (110 items)
Cable T-Connector
Lightning protection cable or conductor T-Connector.
516 Parallel Cable Connector
Cable splice with positive, single-bolt tension grip on cable or wire.
Through Wall/Roof Connector
Through wall/roof connector for air terminals.
In-Line Cable Connector
lightning protection in-line cable conductor connector.
Cross-Run Cable Connector
Lightning protection Cross-Run Cable Connector.
Mesh Bonding Network Connector, MBNC240
Allows for fast, simple and economical field connection of grounding and bonding wires.
517 Parallel Cable Connector
Cable splice with positive two bolt tension grip on cable or wire.
Through Roof PVC Upper Connection
Through roof PVC upper connector allows for lightning protection conductors to be concealed in ceiling or walls.
Stamped Crimp Cable T-Connector
Stamped cable connector with compression type fingers to crimp over cable.
Industrial Stack In-Line Connector
Cast straight splice for connecting conductors.