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nVent CADDY Standard Prefab Assemblies


nVent CADDY Heavy Duty Box Support Bracket Between Stud Assembly

nVent CADDY Heavy Duty Box Support Bracket Between Stud Assembly

nVent CADDY Telescoping Rigid Box Support Bracket Between Stud Assembly

nVent CADDY Telescoping Rigid Box Support Bracket Between Stud Assembly

nVent CADDY Telescoping Screw Gun Box Bracket Between Stud Assembly

nVent CADDY Telescoping Screw Gun Box Bracket Between Stud Assembly

nVent CADDY Heavy Duty Telescoping Bracket T-Grid Assembly, Fire Alarm Box

nVent CADDY Heavy Duty Telescoping Bracket T-Grid Assembly, Fire Alarm Box

nVent CADDY Heavy Duty Telescoping Bracket Assembly with Fire Alarm Box

nVent CADDY Heavy Duty Telescoping Bracket Assembly with Fire Alarm Box

nVent CADDY Heavy Duty Telescoping Bracket Between Stud Assembly

nVent CADDY Heavy Duty Telescoping Bracket Between Stud Assembly

nVent CADDY Adjustable Depth Octagon Box Assemblies

nVent CADDY Adjustable Depth Octagon Box Assemblies

nVent CADDY Adjustable Depth Octagon Fire Alarm Box Assemblies

nVent CADDY Adjustable Depth Octagon Fire Alarm Box Assemblies

nVent CADDY Flat Rigid Box Support Bracket Between Stud Assembly

nVent CADDY Flat Rigid Box Support Bracket Between Stud Assembly

nVent CADDY Flat Rigid Box Bracket Floor Stand Assembly

nVent CADDY Flat Rigid Box Bracket Floor Stand Assembly

nVent CADDY Flat Rigid Box Bracket Floor Stand Assembly With First Means

nVent CADDY Flat Rigid Box Bracket Floor Stand Assembly With First Means

nVent CADDY Box Mounting Plate with Far Side Support on Stud Assembly

nVent CADDY Box Mounting Plate with Far Side Support on Stud Assembly

nVent CADDY Heavy Duty T-Grid Box Hanger Assembly

nVent CADDY Heavy Duty T-Grid Box Hanger Assembly

nVent CADDY 512SAT T-Grid Box Hanger Assembly

nVent CADDY 512SAT T-Grid Box Hanger Assembly

nVent CADDY BCSP Box/Conduit Securement Platform Assembly

nVent CADDY BCSP Box/Conduit Securement Platform Assembly

nVent CADDY UUM Bracket on Stud Assembly

nVent CADDY UUM Bracket on Stud Assembly

Products | 16 results (70 items)

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nVent CADDY Heavy Duty Box Support Bracket Between Stud Assembly

RBS bracket assemblies include pre-assembled single or multiple electrical boxes, with/without mud rings. The RBS16HD bracket for 16" stud widths holds up to three box assemblies. The RBS24HD bracket for 24" stud widths holds up to four assemblies.
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nVent CADDY Telescoping Rigid Box Support Bracket Between Stud Assembly

TSRBS1625 telescoping bracket assemblies include single or multiple electrical boxes, with/without mud rings. The opened design makes it easy to adjust box placement once installed. The bracket is adjustable for 16" - 24" stud spacing.
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nVent CADDY Telescoping Screw Gun Box Bracket Between Stud Assembly

TSGB1624 Telescoping Screw Gun Box Bracket Between Stud Standard Prefab Assemblies include telescoping bracket, electrical box, with or without mud rings, and the TSGLDR1 glider for easy box placement within stud space. For 16" – 24" stud spacing.
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nVent CADDY Heavy Duty Telescoping Bracket T-Grid Assembly, Fire Alarm Box

TBTFB assembly mounts fire alarm devices and strobes to T-grid. Snap-on design does not require screws for a tool-free install. Fire alarm box depth adjusts from inside the box for adjustments before and after ceiling tile has been installed.
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nVent CADDY Heavy Duty Telescoping Bracket Assembly with Fire Alarm Box

TBFB between stud assembly mounts fire alarm devices and strobes. Fire alarm box depth adjusts from inside the box allowing depth adjustments before and after drywall has been installed. Easily position the box as needed in 16" to 24" stud space.
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nVent CADDY Heavy Duty Telescoping Bracket Between Stud Assembly

TB1624HD assemblies for installing between stud electrical and data applications. Snap on design allows boxes to be easily added or removed. Slide center plate/box assemblies into position and secure.
Prefab assembly TBRLOC

nVent CADDY Adjustable Depth Octagon Box Assemblies

Designed for luminaire devices for in-wall, overhead hard deck and T-grid applications.
TBOCR Prefab Assembly, Also CADDY Octagon Box TB430CFB with TB1262HD

nVent CADDY Adjustable Depth Octagon Fire Alarm Box Assemblies

Designed for luminaire devices for in-wall, overhead hard deck and T-grid applications.
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nVent CADDY Flat Rigid Box Support Bracket Between Stud Assembly

FB16 flat bracket assemblies for between stud box installation on varying stud widths. Rigid design accommodates 4" mud rings for all box sizes and meets NEC code. The A and B side design allows mounting of all box types and screw configurations.
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nVent CADDY Flat Rigid Box Bracket Floor Stand Assembly

The FB16 floor stand assembly positions boxes 18 1/2" from floor to meet ADA. Flat design allows installation on varying stud widths and spacing. A/B side design allows mounting of all box types, screw configurations, and 4" mud rings for all boxes.
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nVent CADDY Flat Rigid Box Bracket Floor Stand Assembly With First Means

The FB16 floor stand assembly positions boxes 18 1/2" from floor to meet ADA. Flat design allows installation on varying stud widths and spacing. Includes 1st means of securement and cable support for a tool free solution to secure flexible cables.
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nVent CADDY Box Mounting Plate with Far Side Support on Stud Assembly

TB45PK on stud assemblies configured for most common metal stud applications. Includes integral far side support. Assemblies snap onto the TB1624HD for between stud applications.