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Products | 79 results (285 items)
Disk placed at the bottom of the crucible, holding the welding material until the reaction takes place.
nVent ERICO Cadweld Exolon Baffle Assembly
Cathodic Protection Adapter Sleeve
Used to build up smaller cathodic protection conductors for a proper fit into the required nVent ERICO Cadweld mold.
nVent ERICO Cadweld Replacement Part Kit
Miscellaneous nVent ERICO Cadweld accessories. Includes extra discs, as well as sleeves and shims, and batting.
Cathodic Bonding Jumper
Bench Fixture for Rail Lug Bond Attachment
Power Bond Assembly Kit for DC Power Contact Rail
Industrial Baffle
Handle Clamp
Standard handle clamps used to hold Cadweld molds.
nVent ERICO Cadweld Tool Kit
Convenient tool kits for nVent ERICO Cadweld connection installations.