nVent ERICO Keeps Your Railway and Budget on Track
nVent ERICO makes an important contribution to railway safety and reliability as a supplier of solutions that connect and protect critical network systems and infrastructure:
- Essential for railway signaling and communication
- nVent ERICO solutions help avoid network down time
- Protect valuable equipment and assets
- Protect personnel
nVent ERICO products are accepted and widely used by freight and transit networks throughout the world.
Rail Solutions
Cable-to-Rail Connections
nVent ERICO is a leading provider of cable-to-rail connection solutions for signal, power as well as grounding and bonding applications with a legacy in rail that dates back over one hundred years. nVent ERICO Cadweld Plus for Rail is the premier solutions for exothermic welded connections, with bond kits (including molds, clamps, conductors, weld material and electronic ignition system) to make every type of cable-to-rail connection. nVent ERICO also provide a line of mechanical connections solutions and related tools.
Railway Surge Protection Devices
nVent ERICO specializes in railway surge protection with solutions for every application area, including equipment power, track signal input and outputs as well as data line and communication equipment. Our offering encompasses a wide range of surge suppression technology, from standard and hybrid designs to proprietary solutions including many surge protection devices (SPDs) specifically designed for rail. These solutions play a critical role in protecting railway signaling and communication equipment and assets, protecting equipment power, track signal inputs and outputs, as well as data line and communication equipment.
Direct Lightning Protection
Every railway faces unavoidable exposure to lightning that can cause serious damage to network infrastructure. nVent ERICO offers a comprehensive range of direct strike lightning protection solutions and extensive experience designing and implementing systems for rail infrastructure. With a solutions based every type of lightning protection technology (NF C 17-102, Rolling Sphere Method and Collection Volume Method), we give our customers the option to implement their preferred system. Our in-house experts are also available to audit railway properties and design LP systems for our customers using state-of-the-art software.
Grounding and Bonding
nVent ERICO provides comprehensive electrical protection for railway properties which starts from the ground up. We offer a complete range of grounding and bonding solutions including ground rods, ground mats and rings, conductors, connection solutions, ground enhancement material and more. We help our customers establish effective grounding in some of the harshest terrain in the world. These solutions are used in strategic combination with our wider offering that includes direct strike lightning protection and surge protection devices.
Railway Clips
nVent ERICO Railclips offer a versatile range of conductor management solutions that are designed to increase the useful lifetime of trackside cables and reduce the total project cost over time. The range provides a wide assortment of clips and accessories for all typical cable runs that reduce maintenance and improve wayside safety.
Low Voltage Power Distribution
nVent ERIFLEX helps improve electrical systems in railway rolling stock and wayside substations with innovative solutions for power and grounding connection challenges. These solutions are comprised of flexible busbars, insulated braided conductors, earthing braids, distribution blocks and power terminals. Our offering includes a range of low smoke, zero halogen materials that meet EN-45545-2, a key railway rolling stock fire safety standard.
Rail Tools and Maintenance Equipment
nVent ERICO offers a range of equipment and tools, available as part of a broader solution as well as sold separately.
Featured Products
On-Site Audits and System Design Services
With industry leading expertise, nVent ERICO helps railways implement best practice protection systems at every stage. Whether it be an electrical issue found in the network, or designing a lighting protection solution for new construction, we stand ready as a resource to our customers offering on-site audits and full service system design.
Rail Training Series
Check out our full catalog of free live webinar events that include training in the use of nVent ERICO products (such as nVent ERICO Cadweld Plus for Rail), as well as courses that provide technical deep dives into electrical issues and how nVent ERICO helps railways overcome these challenges.
Electrical Engineering Lab
We invite our customers test, compare and validate components in our state-of-the-art nVent ERICO Electrical Engineering Lab located in Solon, OH, which houses one of the largest 100kA 10/350μs Impulse Generator in the United States. Learn more about our services.
Learn More

Learn more about the reliable connection that is safe, fast and easy, from the worldwide leader in exothermic connection technology.

Improving railway safety and reliability for more than a century.

nVent ERICO offers solutions that provide critical electrical protection for railway properties and assets.

Ready to get started?
Have a railway project that's ready for planning?
Get in contact with us and let us know how we can assist with our grounding and bonding solutions, expertise or product offering.