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Products | 12 results (24 items)
Bar Joist Attachment
Low profile (50.8 mm) seismic adaptors that connect seismic braces to bar joists or I-Beams with flanges 6.4 - 12.7 mm thick.
Steel Flange Adapter
Adapter used to fasten a seismic brace to a steel flange.
Steel Flange Adapter Assembly
Preassembled adapter used to fasten a seismic brace to a steel flange.
Adjustable I-Beam Adapter
Telescopic adapter assembly with a retainer strap used to fasten a seismic brace to a steel flange.
Adjustable I-Beam Attachment
Adjustable seismic adaptors with retaining straps that connect seismic braces to I-Beams 100 - 457 mm wide and 6.4 - 31.8 mm thick.
I-Beam Attachment
Seismic adaptors that connect seismic braces to flanges 6.4 - 19.1 mm thick.
Multi Attachment
Seismic attachment to concrete or wood structures that disperses load over two anchors.
Strut Seismic Hinge
Strut Seismic Hinge Bracket Assembly
Used to fasten a strut based seismic brace parallel to the structure.
Universal Structural Bracket
Universal design allows one product to attach directly to concrete, wood, bar joist or I-beam adapters.
Universal Structural Attachment
Seismic fittings attaching directly to concrete, wood, bar joist or I-beam adapters.
Universal Structural Bracket, Strut Brace
Used to fasten a strut based seismic brace to the structure.