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nVent SCHROFF Electronics Design Capabilities

Our electrical engineers explain how to design and validate backplanes, control modules, carriers, and other electronic boards.

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Test and Measurement Virtual World

Visit our virtual Test and Measurement world and find out which solutions we offer for your application, from automotive, industrial IOT, Big Science or Laboratories.
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Testen und Messen

Protect Your Test Equipment

nVent is adamant in providing the optimal hardware platform for your test system design. For decades, the high-quality nVent SCHROFF racks and enclosures for OEMs and end-users have been protecting the sensitive electronics that make up high-end test systems.

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  • Funktionstests entlang der Produktionslinie
  • Qualitätssicherungstests
Medical Applications

Medical Applications

  • Tests für Steuerungshardware, Sensoren und Software
  • Aufzeichnung und Analyse von Anwendungsdaten
Telecommunication Applications

Telecommunication Applications

  • Labor- und Fertigungstest
  • Netzwerkmessungen vor Ort
  • LTE- und 5G-Test
Aerospace and Defense Applications

Aerospace and Defense Applications

  • Tests für Radar, Avionik, Navigation, Satellitenkommunikation
Automotive Applications

Automotive Applications

  • Simulation von autonomem Fahren
  • Drahtlosverbindungstests
  • Fahrerassistenzsystemtests
Aerospace and Defense Applications

Physics Applications

  • Prüfeinrichtungen in großen Forschungslabors
  • Partikelbeschleunigerphysik
  • Astroteilchenphysik


Your Experts For Modular Test And Measurement Applications

Messtechnik: Positioning systems

Neue Herausforderungen für Messtechniksysteme

Messtechnik: Stationary and Mobile Testing Devices

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