MT02 Male Taper Stud
The nVent LENTON Ultimate MT02 Male Taper Stud is designed for high performance applications, efficiently creating mechanical reinforcing bar connections. The LENTON self-aligning taper-thread reduces misalignment issues and helps eliminate cross-threading during installation. The MT02 Male Taper Stud is used in conjunction with the nVent LENTON Ultimate FT02 Female Standard Coupler for bar-to-bar connections, and the nVent LENTON Ultimate PM09 Female Position Assembly for position/caging connections.
Additionally, the MT02 Male Taper Stud can be used in High Cycle Fatigue applications and exceeds BS 8597 performance requirements with BS 4449 grades B500 B and C reinforcing bar. Contact your nVent LENTON representative for more information.
- Installs quickly and easily
- Utilizes the standard nVent LENTON taper profile
- No special tools or skills required
Data Sheet
Installation Manual / Instruction Sheet
- Warning
- nVent products shall be installed and used only as indicated in nVent's product instruction sheets and training materials. Instruction sheets are available at www.nvent.com and from your nVent customer service representative. Improper installation, misuse, misapplication or other failure to completely follow nVent's instructions and warnings may cause product malfunction, property damage, serious bodily injury and death and/or void your warranty.